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PassMe PCBs Arrived!

PassMe PCBs have arrived today. This is how they looked once unpackaged:


I have broken them apart and filed down the interconnections:


CPLDs also arrived today. Here is a nice picture of quite a few CPLDs emoticon 


Pictures of single PassMe PCB. All pads are gold-plated:

passme-pcb-iso-top.jpg passme-pcb-iso-bottom.jpg 

Still waiting for the connectors to arrive and all PassMes I am selling will have real connectors. One PassMe with PCI pins was made to test it:


passme-pcb-finished-iso-top.jpg passme-pcb-cart-iso-top.jpg


As expected, everything worked fine. More updates to follow. 

2 Responses to “PassMe PCBs Arrived!”

  1. Vinnymac Says:

    These look alot cleaner and i cant wait to buy one thanks man YOU ROXZ0R.

  2. cryptus Says:

    What are PCI pins?

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