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Archive for April, 2005

Connectors have arrived!

Wednesday, April 13th, 2005

Finally the connectors have arrived! emoticon

Here are two pictures of a finished PassMe with DS cart inserted.

passme-connector-iso.jpg  passme-connector-side.jpg

100+ CPLDs soldered

Monday, April 4th, 2005

Here are 100+ PassMes with soldered and programmed CPLDs. Still waiting for connectors to arrive.


PassMe PCBs Arrived!

Friday, April 1st, 2005

PassMe PCBs have arrived today. This is how they looked once unpackaged:


I have broken them apart and filed down the interconnections:


CPLDs also arrived today. Here is a nice picture of quite a few CPLDs emoticon 


Pictures of single PassMe PCB. All pads are gold-plated:

passme-pcb-iso-top.jpg passme-pcb-iso-bottom.jpg 

Still waiting for the connectors to arrive and all PassMes I am selling will have real connectors. One PassMe with PCI pins was made to test it:


passme-pcb-finished-iso-top.jpg passme-pcb-cart-iso-top.jpg


As expected, everything worked fine. More updates to follow. 

© 2010 Alexei Karpenko (natrium42)