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Back from Vacation

Well, I decided not to make any more batches of PassMes, sorry…

Reasons are:

  • Poor availability of connectors in small quantities
  • Emergence of WiFiMe and FlashMe

If you have a friend with a PassMe/WiFiMe he can easily flash your DS for you. Otherwise (i.e. you don’t have any friends), you can buy a WiFiMe compatible card and sell it after flashing.

Lynx has decided to make another run of PassMes which you can order from his site

Meanwhile, someone sent me a connector which was a bit different from the ones I used and had to be soldered to the back side of PassMe. Below are some pictures of the result. Not too bad, if you ask me :)

passme-angled-iso-bottom.jpg passme-angled-iso-top.jpg passme-angled-inserted.jpg 

12 Responses to “Back from Vacation”

  1. Sniper Says:

    That looks pretty good, but hey, everything does in hiensight.

  2. Steve Says:

    That looks pretty neat. I am currently making my own passme board seeing as like you say there are no boards available to be bought at the moment. I am interested in which sort of connector you think works best and maybe give me some supplier addresses. Keep up your good DS Homebrew work.

  3. nYoo Says:

    If you won’t make any more passme’s, could you then at least provide links to pages where to get the needed parts to build one/links to where you got the parts you used to build passmes?

  4. Sniper Says:

    He said that Lynx was still building them, and he also linked it…

  5. nYoo Says:

    Yes, I saw that link. But I was asking for links to pages that sell the parts, one needs to build a passme.

  6. natrium42 Says:

    I have posted design files & info in previous blog entries.

    Although, Lynx *does* have the links to where to get parts on his site.

  7. nYoo Says:

    Thanks :)
    I’m just not very experienced with finding the right hardware parts. I searched a lot but didn’t find anything, so where can I get connectors that fit the DS carts? Or atleast, could you help me by telling part numbers or manufactur names?

  8. natrium42 Says:

    Sure, I ordered from MCM and CPC. Here is the one I have been using:
    link to MCM
    link to CPC

    Notice, however that 0 are in stock and lead time is 100 days. This is why I stopped making PassMes. Impossible to get the connectors in small quantities!

    You might want to try searching on eBay, I have seen the connector being sold there some time ago.

  9. Steve Says:

    cheers natrium42 thats the part i was looking for, cheers for the link

  10. nYoo Says:

    Hmm I wonder where lynx gets all those GB connectors from that he even can provide passmes with gbcs for ndsdevkit.

  11. Mr. Picklesworth Says:

    I may end up making my own passme and would definietly prefer to have the connector soldered on the back like that one. Do you know where I can get that particular connector?

  12. natrium42 Says:

    You could use the connectors me and Lynx are using. Contact me if you want to buy angled PassMe or the connector itself. :)

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