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Serial Interface for PassMe

Serial Interface for PassMe How-To posted under Projects. This interface allows to communicate with computer and other devices such as other DS, PDA keyboards, motor controllers, etc…

6 Responses to “Serial Interface for PassMe”

  1. luvgnu Says:

    A serial interface will be mega sweet. I am really interested to see what sort of speeds it can do. This would allow all manner of simple hardware devices to be attached.

    (Some would say that SD/MMC would also be able to be interfaced(very slowly of course) if there is available serial lines(similar to the linksys wrt54g sd hack))

    Is it able to be accessed as a tty under dslinux?

    So many questions…..

  2. natrium42 Says:

    It can do 115200 bps (and more if it’s supported by the computer and the communication module). Right now, I only provide some sample code which runs at 57600 bps. There will be some library soon with more capabilities.

    DSlinux would need a driver. I am sure it’s just a matter of modifying the existing serial driver.

  3. luvgnu Says:

    With linux running on the NDS, and now a serial port(or serial ports , depending on how many pins are free…), this starts to really open the field a little more. Sure it’ll take some time, and the hardware to do this is still slowly filtering out, but I am getting more and more excited about the point when less experienced developers can jump in.

    (As an aside, this got me to thinking, why not use the CPLD as a large shift register to dump all the communication between the cartridge and the ds? Would this possibly help in deconstructing, and deciphering the encryption?)

    Though my VHDL, and C is rusty, I can’t wait to get my hands on a passme.
    Keep up the good work!!! You, and the other developers are doing great!

  4. wipon Says:

    What’s the level output of tx ?
    +3.3V -3.3V ?

  5. natrium42 Says:

    It’s CMOS-level UART (3.3V and 0V). I was using a MAX232 to connect it a serial COM port (RS-232). MAX232 isn’t the best choice (but it’s what I had at hand) since it needs 5V power supply.

  6. luvgnu Says:

    Are there any plans to make PassMe’s with serial 3 pin headers, or even with a max232/3 on board?

    Is there space to multiplex more than one serial port from the CPLD?

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