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PDA Keyboard Tested

I connected a Palm keyboard to the PassMe serial interface. After initial trouble, I got it to show scan codes when keys are pressed/depressed. This can be used for fast text entry if needed…

passme-kbd-bottom.jpg passme-kbd.jpg 

12 Responses to “PDA Keyboard Tested”

  1. Mr. Picklesworth Says:

    Natrium42, I salute you!
    Do you have any idea how long it will be before people begin to manufacture PassMes with all these new and fun devices added on?

  2. Kenny Says:

    hi im a 12 years old kid who live in denmark.
    im trying to find out how to get a PassMe without using creditcard (my mom dont like online shopping) and i think you maybe could help me.
    i dont now if you getting pay’d from credit card but if it is so do you then now how to make it with standard ic’s and transistors (i can’t soldier smd im just melting it!)?
    And how did you program the ds so it worked with the palm keyboard (my first project would be making a simple ds operating system)?

    hope i get some answers!

  3. parrot Says:

    Hey Kenny I’m trying to do the same thing (get a PassMe and make a DS OS). I’m younger than you by a small bit and I’ve go ideas for an OS and mascots for one as well. The answer to your question: Projects > Serial Interface then at the bottom of that page there is a zip file. In that is code to access the serial interface which can be connected to the keyboard

  4. parrot Says:

    Oh I forgot to say in my last comment that you could use WifiMe. Tutorial at:

  5. Kenny Says:

    hey parrot
    it would be nice with some one to help so i got a plan we can make it together(over mail or msn or some chat filesharing program)!
    so please contact me at (it’s also my msn account)
    please read it because i no only one other who nows a shit about programming

  6. Kenny Says:

    so please mail me because im not online at same time as you in denmark the clock is 20:34 and my dad did put a internet lock on so bye bye to the internet 22 o clock

  7. natrium42 Says:

    Hello Kenny, I am currently out-of-stock on PassMes. You could use WifiMe as parrot says, but this requires opening your computer.

    In any case, it’s better when you buy online things with your parent’s consent :)

    Great to see young people interested in this, though!

  8. Kenny Says:

    ok i an expert in pc’s elektronik and im pretty good at basic (beginners all purpose symbologic instruction code)
    BUT my pc is to old to upgrade.
    its so old that it uses a non upgradeable cpu (pentium 3, 431 mhz)!

  9. parrot Says:

    Me and kenny’s project is up at:

  10. Kenny Says:

    is it a palm or pocket pc keyboard?
    and wich pins are connected?

  11. Slosha Says:

    wow, very impressive. How do you connect the keyboard to your passme… and would is it moderatly easy to do so?

  12. Funky Gibbon Says:

    Ericsson T10 Keyboards work very well too and are just a bit smaller that the ds, i’ve hooked on up to my SP along with GPS and bluetooth, hoping to do the same on the DS soon, Why has no-one come up with a DS Flash cart yet?, I’ve examined the carts and managed to get output from one, their not that complicated, still, thats the next project

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