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Firmware Dumper

Loopy figured out how to read the firmware from the DS.

Here is a program to dump it in blocks of 64KB.

Note: You have absolutely no need for this if you are not a developer.

8 Responses to “Firmware Dumper”

  1. DarkFader Says:

    And then send them to me…
    I wanna crack it :)

  2. DarkFader Says:

    On second thought… no need ;P
    Anyway… it is writable. I could change my name in it.

  3. Abscissa Says:

    It’s writable, really? Maybe someone could get rid of that epilepsy warning now… :)

  4. DarkFader Says:

    To join the files, simple use:
    copy /b a+b+c+d firmware.bin
    Where a,b,c and d are the 64kB savegame files.

  5. Dark Knight Says:

    Are there (minor) differences in the firmware with different DS handhelds (due to region, when it was created, etc), by the looks of it? Excluding data one is able to alter by using the options in the start up screen of the DS, of course.

  6. lockwood Says:

    Where can i find those firmwaredumps?
    I can’t find them.

  7. Biubid_Boy Says:

    It’s saved in the SRAM of your Flashcart.

  8. lockwood Says:

    How do I read it?
    And how do i save the dump?
    (i’m using supercard sd)

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