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DSerial Pre-orders Available

DSerial pre-orders are now available with shipping on 15th December. There are less than 50 units available in this first batch.

Since the accelerometer chip is pretty expensive, I decided to have two versions: one without and one with tilt. Prices are $37 and $59.

Note: Not all parts arrived yet, moved to 15th December.

Note 2: Documentation will be available in NaWiki. Most of hardware documentation is already there. Software documentation is a work-in-progress.


15 Responses to “DSerial Pre-orders Available”

  1. Gizmo Says:

    nice work there Natrium42
    if a dev makes a neat program to utilize this, ill definately buy 😀

  2. j4vadrops Says:

    Ohh! ill pre-order one as soon as my dad gets home 😀 w00tage!

  3. Scorpio Says:

    That’s pwnsom, I can’t wait to order it! Too bad I’m broke :(

  4. jeromelab Says:

    Very nice work, I bought it.

  5. MrShlee Says:

    Great to see the DSerial getting released and I can’t wait to see what people do with it.
    great plans to hook this thing upto my robosapian or TV remote but we’ll see what happens.

    I’m buying a Wii tomorrow… bad timing there buddy 😉
    I’ll need to wait until my next pay before I think about buying this sweet piece of tech.

  6. rummik Says:

    Good job Natrium! I’ll have to get one of these 😉 …now to find some money…

  7. Jos Says:

    I would love to order one, great work!

    But how do you use it? Are there any libraries or examples available?

  8. 7031 Says:

    I will consider buying one as soon as some good homebrew uses it.

  9. Hit Says:

    Wat does accelerometer chip do?
    Btw. i hope you earn cash with it not exact price, so you can make more amazing stuff

    Ill first want to see how hard it is building an application for dserial then ill may buy one

  10. jldugger Says:

    A 22 dollar accellerometer? We can get 3 axis for ten! Digikey has the specified chip on sale for 8 dollars. I guess you gotta make rent somehow.

    @Hit You can think of an accelerometer as measuring the apparent weight of a small object on a spring. Just like on an elevator, you feel lighter when falling, and heavier when moving up.

    This information can be highly useful for lots of things. You can use it to measure tilt. You can use it to record high shock impacts (hard drives can do this to move the heads to a safe location and potentially save the drive when dropped). You can measure motion. And if the accumulated error doesn’t get very high, you can even measure it’s location compared with a starting point. But this can’t work only two axis, and you can’t determine orientation easily either.

  11. jojo Says:

    I’ve bought dserial, it’s fantastic!But where(when) can i download the lib and some examples?!

  12. Farthen Says:

    Waiting for new preorders… 😉

  13. Wenky Says:

    I would like to get a dserial, and use it as a midi output… Probebly I would have to run dstar sequencer try too hook it up to one or two gba sp’s running lsdj with lsdj-mc2 midi connection… did somebody already tested this? Then I would only have to add a battery mixer and battery amp to have a picknick performance! So does anybody know if there be any Dserials available soon?

  14. parkstenator Says:

    I would like to buy a DSerial without tilt. Please advise on availability

  15. Roger Yee Says:

    I would also like to buy a DSerial prefer with tilt. Please advise if/when availalbe.

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