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BattleshipDS Preview

Here is the first preview edition of my BattleshipDS game.

Graphics are based on this flash game, however all the pixels are mine.

Known issues:
– touchpad code
– sprites can be improved
– no wireless

A few pictures of it running in Dualis follow.

battleship1.png battleship2.pngbattleship3.pngbattleship4.png


Here is a ZIP with ARM9 and PassMe binaries. No source code is available right now, sorry.

3 Responses to “BattleshipDS Preview”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    Thanks I’ve been waiting for you to release this… It is of course a great demo for the obvious reason: the more that is figured out about the ds the more that can be added. For example when sound is worked out you can add sound… it will also be a great game for testing wireless coding too… :D.

  2. Ryoku Says:

    Im surpised something this good could come out so soon from the homebrew scene. I can’t to get my hand on a passme and gba flash cart to get started.
    Great work keep it up -_-.

  3. red Says:

    Don’t work (M3 simply)

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