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Archive for March, 2005

First PassMe Working!

Friday, March 4th, 2005

Lynx got his PassMe to work!
He is making a detailed How-To that will be published on
Videos of his setup working are availabe here and here.

See a few pics of the board made by Lynx below:


PassMe Prototype

Wednesday, March 2nd, 2005

I am still waiting for my PassMe board from manufacture. So far people who received the boards could not get them to work. This is why I decided to build PassMe on a prototype board using the same schematic diagram.

Using a PLCC version of the same CPLD chip (PLCC is bigger in size compared to VQFP), I assembled the board and tested it by running my battleshipDS game. Everything worked the first time. Some pictures are provided below.

Please bear in mind that this does not mean that the real PassMe board has zero bugs. But at least it proves that the concept is fine!

This blog will be updated when the tiny PassMe PCB is tested and works.

cpld-overview-small.jpg cpld-components-small.jpgcpld-board-small.jpg

© 2010 Alexei Karpenko (natrium42)