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PassMe being sold again

I started selling gold-plated PassMes again. Please visit my shop by clicking on the picture below.

 PassMe Shop

9 Responses to “PassMe being sold again”

  1. Rahan25 Says:

    Does it have one port for identification and one for flash, or just one fort Ident. and redirection to GBA port?

    What about the last firmware that stop this possible redirection? ( what i’ve heard )

    Anyway, you do some great job! Continue ^^ it’s pretty nice!

  2. lemming Says:

    ordered one – thanks :)

  3. spanish Says:

    How long does it take to arrive from the moment you place the order?

  4. natrium42 Says:

    I ship the next business day via regular airmail from Canada. It arrives 7-14 days afterwards. Usually, it’s much less than 14 days.

  5. lambda Says:

    I got a xgflash turbo v1 (black linker)…Just want to know if I can use it with this flash card, cause the linker have to be plug in the gba to work..??

  6. [jsb] Says:

    With the new version (iQue) DS replacing retailer stock the ablity to update the CPLD is key.

  7. OUTSIDE Says:

    For when a passme compatible with Blue and Pink PAL’s DS?


  8. lilnoob Says:

    how or where does it get connected to the computer? do i have to make my own serial port

  9. gilrules2000 Says:

    i sent you two emails but they are probaly irrelevant. I just want to know when you shipped my item

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