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DSerial2 and RoboDS released

DSerial2 and RoboDS kits are now available for pre-orders.

DSerial is an adaptor for Slot-1 with a couple of different ports available: GPIO, UART, RS-232, USB client, ADC and PWM. This allows to connect NDS to devices like MIDI keyboards, computers, GPS receivers, keyboards, R/C servos, sensors, anything with a serial port and more. The firmware for DSerial is open-source and can be reprogrammed on-the-fly from DS if needed for a particular program.

RoboDS is an open robotic platform for the DS. It runs a minimal HTTP server and can be remotely controlled via NDS Wi-Fi. It is very simple to construct as it uses 3 equal servos (2 of them are modified for continuous rotation). Sensors can be added as needed and connected to DSerial2. I will post a hi-def assembly video shortly.

8 Responses to “DSerial2 and RoboDS released”

  1. Farthen Says:

    DSerial2 looks AWESOME!!!!!!!!!

    But… what are the advantages???
    Anything new? sorry, i don’t know what the hardware in the old one was.

    And… shall l buy it? Will there be dserial3??? 😉

    Thanks for that great work \o/

  2. Farthen Says:

    DSerial2 looks AWESOME!!!!!!!!!

    But… what are the advantages???
    Anything new? sorry, i don’t know what the hardware in the old one was.

    And… shall l buy it? Will there be dserial3??? 😉

    Thanks for that great work \o/

    p.s i’ll definitely buy it

  3. Farthen Says:

    sorry for doublepost, i’m using that crappy dsbrowser :-)

  4. nYoo Says:

    Yeah I bought the first DSerial and now I don’t know if I need to buy the news one. What are the differences between the two versions?

  5. Elvistar Choi Says:

    You show me the future world!! specially NDSL bot can be controlled by web site. there were many sites like similar this one. but are showing people, that’s all . I’ve never seen before. I Respect you …. !

    I wanna see your NDSLbot if you’re in Korea 😀

  6. Farthen Says:

    DSerial 2 is up and backwardscompatible to dserial, so you do not need to buy dserial 2 if you have the fist version. It is just smaller and has this plastic case, no basic things changed.

  7. Thomas Scott GDL Mexico Says:

    DSerial2 programming will speed up my O.S. to the DSL .

    I ll shop for one from “Bee…” of Canada ..

    Quite busy looking for a house in GDL , they are crooks , they want
    you to sign a contract simply to rent a $500 month house !

  8. Cone Says:

    Oh noes! I *just today* found out about the project(s), and they’re all sold out everywhere! The humanity! :(

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