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PassMe Support for New DS Firmware

New: PassMe2 with new code now available in the shop

Update: There is also a thread on GBAdev forums with some great information. PassMe2 instructions added here.

Recent DSes seem to be shipped with new firmware that makes current PassMe not work. Loopy figured out how to circumvent the new protection, but the exploit is DS card specific and requires SRAM in the GBA slot (i.e. GBAMP won’t work). I can probably fit in support for about four cards into a single PassMe. Also, there will be PassMes with different sets of supported games.

So what I need people to do right now is to run the attached .ds.gba on bootable DSes using different DS cards and tell me the numbers on the screen. This will help me add support for those cards.

You need to run this from a GBA flashcard without any use of DS menu loaders, since they might clear or corrupt the memory that is being searched for the exploit. Consequently, there is no .nds version of the program.

Some PassMes (or clones) are not supported, because a specific bit in the header is set, resulting in scrambled memory. This bit doesn’t affect homebrew in any way, but it makes it impossible to explore memory left over from loading a DS card. This program will tell when a PassMe (or clone) is not supported.

Please post your results here or email them to me. I will then add support for most popular games and put new PassMes up for sale.

Many thanks!

Note 1: This program will whitescreen for a while before showing numbers. This is normal, since searching takes some time.

Note 2: Please boot with PassMe (or clone) and not with FlashMe. FlashMe does not produce correct results! callfinder.ds.gba

11 Responses to “PassMe Support for New DS Firmware”

  1. Raging Inferno Says:

    This is off of my 512 x-rom, with the passme you created, and with flashme installed
    hope this helps :)

    SWI AF 0205A24C
    SWI FF 00000000
    SWI A4 00000000
    SWI EA 00000000
    BX LR 02004978
    CRC 5E0DCF56
    GAME 45464D41 00

  2. bobo Says:


  3. bobo Says:


  4. yyjoy Says:

    This is my test report:

    GBA cart:XG2005 512M

    with the Passme you created &Mario 64 ds boot:

    SWI AF 00000000

    SWI FF 02026C68

    SWI A4 00000000

    SWI EA 00000000

    BX LR 02004978

    CRC F2A0CF56

    GAME 454D5341 01


    with flashme boot:

    SWI AF 02144BB6

    SWI FF 02011824

    SWI A4 02011576

    SWI EA 02001F5E2

    BX LR 00000000

    CRC 0C189AAA



    GBA cart:G6 flash 1G

    with the Passme you created &Mario 64 ds boot:

    SWI AF 020108F2

    SWI FF 020138A4

    SWI A4 02015844

    SWI EA 020316F2

    BX LR 02004978

    CRC 62AACF56

    GAME 454D5341 01


    with flashme boot:

    SWI AF 020108F2

    SWI FF 020138A4

    SWI A4 02015844

    SWI EA 020316F2

    BX LR 00000000

    CRC D3E39AAA



    GBA cart:M3:

    with the Passme you created &Mario 64 ds boot:

    SWI AF 023E0124

    SWI FF 023D871A

    SWI A4 023E0134

    SWI EA 023E013C

    BX LR 00000000

    CRC 9C05CF56

    GAME 454D5341 01


    with flashme boot:

    SWI AF 023E0124

    SWI FF 020138A4

    SWI A4 02015844

    SWI EA 020316F2

    BX LR 00000000

    CRC 217A9AAA


  5. Imaha486 Says:

    GBA cart:EZ-FLASH(128MB)
    with PassKey + ChokkanHitofude(Polarium JAP.ver)
    SWI AF 00000000
    SWI FF 00000000
    SWI A4 00000000
    SWI EA 00000000
    BX LR 02000978
    CRC 0152CF56
    GAME 4A4E5341 00

  6. panyawo Says:

    GBA cart:F2A ultra 1Gb
    with PassMe & PassKey
    — ——
    Kahashima Ryuuta Kyouju no Nou o Kitaeru Otona DS Training (J)
    SWI AF 00000000
    SWI FF 020C1EBC
    SWI A4 00000000
    SWI EA 020BC51E
    BX LR 02000910
    CRC 36C2CF56
    GAME 4A444E41 00
    Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan (J)
    SWI AF 00000000
    SWI FF 0205061A
    SWI A4 0204C3EE
    SWI EA 00000000
    BX LR 02000910
    CRC 6B7ACF56
    GAME 4A534F41 00
    -Meteos (J)
    SWI AF 0238DE34
    SWI FF 00000000
    SWI A4 02015C2C
    SWI EA 00000000
    BX LR 02000910
    CRC D581CF56
    GAME 4A544D41 00
    -Daigasso! Band-Brothers (J)
    SWI AF 020F8E46
    SWI FF 020EEF00
    SWI A4 00000000
    SWI EA 020F3A4E
    BX LR 02000978
    CRC 2C66CF56
    GAME 4A424241 00

  7. Andy Says:

    Cart: EZFA 256mb
    Superpass with mario64 cart

  8. T Says:

    Another Code (EUR); run from EZFA (no PassMe; FlashMe v5 used):

    SWI AF 02302E14
    SWI FF 02060DFC
    SWI A4 0230CEF8
    SWI EA 02313760
    BX LR 02004910
    CRC 5FAACF56
    GAME 504F4E41 00

  9. Tom Says:

    GBA cart:FA 256M
    with PassMe
    SWI AF 00000000
    SWI FF 00000000
    SWI A4 02018268
    SWI EA 0238C6DC
    BX LR 02000910
    CRC 38B1CF56
    GAME 454E5341 00

  10. Da_GPer Says:

    Your PassMe is not supported. Disregard data above. :(

  11. lesly Says:

    That is the nicest, coolest thing I’ve heard for a long time. I really appreciate your work. I’ll share it with my friends.

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